M.A.Sharbafi, C. Rode, S. Kurowski, D. Scholz, R. Möckel, K. Radkhah, G. Zhao, A.M. Rashty, O. von Stryk, A. Seyfarth
A new biarticular actuator design facilitates control of leg function in BioBiped3
In: Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 046003, 2016
Abstract BibTeX Online available via DOI
Bioinspired legged locomotion comprises different aspects, such as (i) benefiting from reduced complexity control approaches as observed in humans/animals, (ii) combining embodiment with the controllers and (iii) reflecting neural control mechanisms. One of the most important lessons learned from nature is the significant role of compliance in simplifying control, enhancing energy efficiency and robustness against perturbations for legged locomotion. In this research, we investigate how body morphology in combination with actuator design may facilitate motor control of leg function. Inspired by the human leg muscular system, we show that biarticular muscles have a key role in balancing the upper body, joint coordination and swing leg control. Appropriate adjustment of biarticular spring rest length and stiffness can simplify the control and also reduce energy consumption. In order to test these findings, the BioBiped3 robot was developed as a new version of BioBiped series of biologically inspired, compliant musculoskeletal robots. In this robot, three-segmented legs actuated by mono- and biarticular series elastic actuators mimic the nine major human leg muscle groups. With the new biarticular actuators in BioBiped3, novel simplified control concepts for postural balance and for joint coordination in rebounding movements (drop jumps) were demonstrated and approved.
author = {M.A.Sharbafi and C. Rode and S. Kurowski and D. Scholz and R. Möckel and K. Radkhah and G. Zhao and A.M. Rashty and O. von Stryk and A. Seyfarth},
title = {A new biarticular actuator design facilitates control of leg function in BioBiped3},
journal = {Bioinspiration & Biomimetics},
year = {2016},
volume = {11},
number = {4},
pages = {046003},
doi = {10.1088/1748-3190/11/4/046003},
url = {},
abstract = {Bioinspired legged locomotion comprises different aspects, such as (i) benefiting from reduced complexity control approaches as observed in humans/animals, (ii) combining embodiment with the controllers and (iii) reflecting neural control mechanisms. One of the most important lessons learned from nature is the significant role of compliance in simplifying control, enhancing energy efficiency and robustness against perturbations for legged locomotion. In this research, we investigate how body morphology in combination with actuator design may facilitate motor control of leg function. Inspired by the human leg muscular system, we show that biarticular muscles have a key role in balancing the upper body, joint coordination and swing leg control. Appropriate adjustment of biarticular spring rest length and stiffness can simplify the control and also reduce energy consumption. In order to test these findings, the BioBiped3 robot was developed as a new version of BioBiped series of biologically inspired, compliant musculoskeletal robots. In this robot, three-segmented legs actuated by mono- and biarticular series elastic actuators mimic the nine major human leg muscle groups. With the new biarticular actuators in BioBiped3, novel simplified control concepts for postural balance and for joint coordination in rebounding movements (drop jumps) were demonstrated and approved.},
D. Scholz, O. von Stryk
Efficient design parameter optimization for musculoskeletal bipedal robots combining simulated and hardware-in-the-loop experiments
In: IEEE-RAS Intl. Conf. on Humanoid Robots, pp. 512-518, Nov. 3-5, 2015
Abstract BibTeX PDF file
The design and tuning of bio-inspired musculoskeletal bipedal robots with tendon driven series elastic actuation (TD-SEA) including biarticular structures is more complex than for conventional rigid bipedal robots. To achieve a desired dynamic motion goal additional hardware parameters (spring coefficients, rest lengths, lever arms) of both, the TDSEAs and the biarticular structures, need to be adjusted. Furthermore, the biarticular structures add correlations over multiple joints which increase the complexity of tuning of these parameters. Parameter adaption and tuning is needed to fit active and passive dynamics of the actuators and the control system. For the considered class of musculoskeletal bipedal robots no fully satisfying systematic approach to efficiently tune all of these parameters has been demonstrated yet. Conventional approaches for tuning of hardware parameters in rigid robots are either simulation based or use a hardware-in-the-loop optimization. This paper presents a new approach to efficiently optimize these parameters, by combining the advantages of simulation-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop optimizations. Grahical interpretation of suitable metrics, like resulting quality values, are used to interpret the simulation results in order to efficiently guide the hardware experiments. By carefully considering the simulation results and adjusting the sequence of robot experiments based on biomechanical insights, the required number of hardware experiments can be significantly reduced. This approach is applied to the musculoskeletal BioBiped2 robot where the hardware parameters of the elastic actuation of the Gastrocnemius and Soleus structures are optimized. A comparison with a state-of-the-art hardware-in-the-loop optimization method demonstrates the efficiency of the presented approach.
author = {D. Scholz and O. von Stryk},
title = {Efficient design parameter optimization for musculoskeletal bipedal robots combining simulated and hardware-in-the-loop experiments},
year = {2015},
pages = {512-518},
month = {Nov. 3-5},
booktitle = {IEEE-RAS Intl. Conf. on Humanoid Robots},
pdf = {2015_HUMANOIDS_Scholz.pdf},
abstract = {The design and tuning of bio-inspired musculoskeletal bipedal robots with tendon driven series elastic actuation (TD-SEA) including biarticular structures is more complex than for conventional rigid bipedal robots. To achieve a desired dynamic motion goal additional hardware parameters (spring coefficients, rest lengths, lever arms) of both, the TDSEAs and the biarticular structures, need to be adjusted. Furthermore, the biarticular structures add correlations over multiple joints which increase the complexity of tuning of these parameters. Parameter adaption and tuning is needed to fit active and passive dynamics of the actuators and the control system. For the considered class of musculoskeletal bipedal robots no fully satisfying systematic approach to efficiently tune all of these parameters has been demonstrated yet. Conventional approaches for tuning of hardware parameters in rigid robots are either simulation based or use a hardware-in-the-loop optimization. This paper presents a new approach to efficiently optimize these parameters, by combining the advantages of simulation-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop optimizations. Grahical interpretation of suitable metrics, like resulting quality values, are used to interpret the simulation results in order to efficiently guide the hardware experiments. By carefully considering the simulation results and adjusting the sequence of robot experiments based on biomechanical insights, the required number of hardware experiments can be significantly reduced. This approach is applied to the musculoskeletal BioBiped2 robot where the hardware parameters of the elastic actuation of the Gastrocnemius and Soleus structures are optimized. A comparison with a state-of-the-art hardware-in-the-loop optimization method demonstrates the efficiency of the presented approach.},
S. Kurowski, O. von Stryk
A systematic approach to the design of embodiment with application to bio-inspired compliant legged robots
In: IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 3771-3778, IEEE, Sept. 28 - Oct. 02, 2015
Abstract BibTeX PDF file Online available via DOI
Bio-inspired legged robots with compliant actuation can potentially achieve motion properties in real world scenarios which are superior to conventionally actuated robots. In this paper, a methodology is presented to systematically design and tailor passive and active control elements for elastically actuated robots. It is based on a formal specification of requirements derived from the main design principles for embodied agents as proposed by Pfeifer et al. which are transfered to dynamic model based multi objective optimization problems. The proposed approach is demonstrated and applied for the design of a biomechanically inspired, musculoskeletal bipedal robot to achieve walking and human-like jogging.
author = {S. Kurowski and O. von Stryk},
title = {A systematic approach to the design of embodiment with application to bio-inspired compliant legged robots},
year = {2015},
pages = {3771-3778},
month = {Sept. 28 - Oct. 02},
publisher = {IEEE},
address = {Hamburg, Germany},
booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
doi = {10.1109/IROS.2015.7353906},
pdf = {2015-IROS_SKu-vS.pdf},
abstract = {Bio-inspired legged robots with compliant actuation can potentially achieve motion properties in real world scenarios which are superior to conventionally actuated robots. In this paper, a methodology is presented to systematically design and tailor passive and active control elements for elastically actuated robots. It is based on a formal specification of requirements derived from the main design principles for embodied agents as proposed by Pfeifer et al. which are transfered to dynamic model based multi objective optimization problems. The proposed approach is demonstrated and applied for the design of a biomechanically inspired, musculoskeletal bipedal robot to achieve walking and human-like jogging.},
A. Seyfarth, K. Radkhah, O. von Stryk
Concepts of Softness for Legged Locomotion and their Assessment
In: Soft Robotics - Transferring Theory to Application, pp. 120-133, Springer Verlag, 2015
Abstract BibTeX PDF file
In human and animal locomotion, compliant structures play an essential role in the body and actuator design. Recently, researchers have started to exploit these compliant mechanisms in robotic systems with the goal to achieve the yet superior motions and performances of the biological counterpart. For instance, compliant actuators such as series elastic actuators (SEA) can help to improve the energy efficiency and the required peak power in powered prostheses and exoskeletons. However, muscle function is also associated with damping-like characteristics complementing the elastic function of the tendons operating in series to the muscle fibers. Carefully designed conceptual as well as detailed motion dynamics models are key to understanding the purposes of softness, i.e. elasticity and damping, in human and animal locomotion and to transfer these insights to the design and control of novel legged robots. Results for the design of compliant legged systems based on a series of conceptual biomechanical models are summarized. We discuss how these models compare to experimental observations of human locomotion and how these models could be used to guide the design of legged robots and also how to systematically evaluate and compare natural and robotic legged motions.
author = {A. Seyfarth and K. Radkhah and O. von Stryk},
title = {Concepts of Softness for Legged Locomotion and their Assessment},
year = {2015},
pages = {120-133},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
editor = {A. Verl and A. Albu-Schäffer and O. Brock and A. Raatz},
booktitle = {Soft Robotics - Transferring Theory to Application},
pdf = {2015_Soft_Robotics_Paper.pdf},
abstract = {In human and animal locomotion, compliant structures play an essential role in the body and actuator design. Recently, researchers have started to exploit these compliant mechanisms in robotic systems with the goal to achieve the yet superior motions and performances of the biological counterpart. For instance, compliant actuators such as series elastic actuators (SEA) can help to improve the energy efficiency and the required peak power in powered prostheses and exoskeletons. However, muscle function is also associated with damping-like characteristics complementing the elastic function of the tendons operating in series to the muscle fibers. Carefully designed conceptual as well as detailed motion dynamics models are key to understanding the purposes of softness, i.e. elasticity and damping, in human and animal locomotion and to transfer these insights to the design and control of novel legged robots. Results for the design of compliant legged systems based on a series of conceptual biomechanical models are summarized. We discuss how these models compare to experimental observations of human locomotion and how these models could be used to guide the design of legged robots and also how to systematically evaluate and compare natural and robotic legged motions.},
M.A. Sharbafi, A. Seyfarth
Stable running by leg force-modulated hip stiffness
In: IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2014), 2014
BibTeX PDF file@INPROCEEDINGS{2014_Sharbafi_BioRob,
author = {M.A. Sharbafi and A. Seyfarth},
title = {Stable running by leg force-modulated hip stiffness},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2014)},
pdf = {2014_Sharbafi_BioRob.pdf},
K.L. Poggensee, M.A. Sharbafi, A. Seyfarth
Characterizing Swing-Leg Retraction in Human Locomotion
In: International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR 2014), 2014
BibTeX PDF file@INPROCEEDINGS{2014_Poggensee_Clawar,
author = {K.L. Poggensee and M.A. Sharbafi and A. Seyfarth},
title = {Characterizing Swing-Leg Retraction in Human Locomotion},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR 2014)},
pdf = {2014_Poggensee_Clawar.pdf},
A. Mohammadinejad, M.A. Sharbafi, A. Seyfarth
SLIP with swing leg augmentation as a model for running
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Iros 2014), 2014
BibTeX PDF file@INPROCEEDINGS{2014_Mohammadinejad_IROS,
author = {A. Mohammadinejad and M.A. Sharbafi and A. Seyfarth},
title = {SLIP with swing leg augmentation as a model for running},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Iros 2014)},
pdf = {2014_Mohammadinejad_IROS.pdf},
A. Mohammadinejad, M. A. Sharbafi, A Seyfarth
Swing-leg pendulum model for running
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2014
author = {A. Mohammadinejad and M. A. Sharbafi and A Seyfarth},
title = {Swing-leg pendulum model for running},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
M.A. Sharbafi, K. Radkhah, O. von Stryk, A. Seyfarth
Hopping control for the musculoskeletal bipedal robot BioBiped
In: 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 4868 - 4875, September 14-18, 2014
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
Bipedal locomotion can be divided into primitive tasks, namely repulsive leg behavior (bouncing against gravity), leg swing (protraction and retraction) and body alignment (balancing against gravity). In the bipedal spring-mass model for walking and running, the repulsive leg function is described by a linear prismatic spring. This paper adopts two strategies for swinging and bouncing control from conceptual models for the human-inspired musculoskeletal BioBiped robot. The control approach consists of two layers, velocity based leg adjustment (VBLA) and virtual model control to represent a virtual springy leg between toe and hip. Additionally, the rest length and stiffness of the virtual springy leg are tuned based on events to compensate energy losses due to damping. In order to mimic human locomotion, the trunk is held upright by physical constraints. The controller is implemented on the validated detailed simulation model of BioBiped. Inplace as well as forward hopping and switching between these two gaits are easily achieved by tuning the parameters for the leg adjustment, virtual leg stiffness and injected energy. Furthermore, it is shown that the achieved motion performance of in-place hopping agrees well with that of human subjects.
author = {M.A. Sharbafi and K. Radkhah and O. von Stryk and A. Seyfarth},
title = {Hopping control for the musculoskeletal bipedal robot BioBiped},
year = {2014},
pages = {4868 - 4875},
month = {September 14-18},
address = {Chicago, IL, USA },
booktitle = {2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
organization = {IEEE},
pdf = {2014_Sharbafi_IROS.pdf},
abstract = {Bipedal locomotion can be divided into primitive tasks, namely repulsive leg behavior (bouncing against gravity), leg swing (protraction and retraction) and body alignment (balancing against gravity). In the bipedal spring-mass model for walking and running, the repulsive leg function is described by a linear prismatic spring. This paper adopts two strategies for swinging and bouncing control from conceptual models for the human-inspired musculoskeletal BioBiped robot. The control approach consists of two layers, velocity based leg adjustment (VBLA) and virtual model control to represent a virtual springy leg between toe and hip. Additionally, the rest length and stiffness of the virtual springy leg are tuned based on events to compensate energy losses due to damping. In order to mimic human locomotion, the trunk is held upright by physical constraints. The controller is implemented on the validated detailed simulation model of BioBiped. Inplace as well as forward hopping and switching between these two gaits are easily achieved by tuning the parameters for the leg adjustment, virtual leg stiffness and injected energy. Furthermore, it is shown that the achieved motion performance of in-place hopping agrees well with that of human subjects.},
K. Radkhah, O. von Stryk
A Study of the Passive Rebound Behavior of Bipedal Robots with Stiff and Different Types of Elastic Actuation
In: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 5095-5102, 2014
Abstract BibTeXAbstract
One of the most important capabilities of bipedal robots for energy-efficient and dynamic locomotion are shock tolerance and energy storage and release. In this paper, we study three robot models with different leg actuation designs by means of highly detailed multibody system dynamics simulation. For this purpose, we first elaborate on the term of energy-efficient and dynamic two-legged hopping and present a performance index. Subsequently we conduct the same experimental setup for passive rebound and soft landing for all models. Among others it is observed that (1) the envisioned dynamic and energy-efficient locomotion cannot be achieved through stiff actuation, (2) the energy restitution can be maximized without sacrificing the dynamic mobility and (3) such passive rebound experiments are well suited to determining the optimal leg actuation design.
author = {K. Radkhah and O. von Stryk},
title = {A Study of the Passive Rebound Behavior of Bipedal Robots with Stiff and Different Types of Elastic Actuation},
year = {2014},
pages = {5095-5102},
booktitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
abstract = {One of the most important capabilities of bipedal robots for energy-efficient and dynamic locomotion are shock tolerance and energy storage and release. In this paper, we study three robot models with different leg actuation designs by means of highly detailed multibody system dynamics simulation. For this purpose, we first elaborate on the term of energy-efficient and dynamic two-legged hopping and present a performance index. Subsequently we conduct the same experimental setup for passive rebound and soft landing for all models. Among others it is observed that (1) the envisioned dynamic and energy-efficient locomotion cannot be achieved through stiff actuation, (2) the energy restitution can be maximized without sacrificing the dynamic mobility and (3) such passive rebound experiments are well suited to determining the optimal leg actuation design.},
M.A. Sharbafi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, M.J. Yazdanpanah, A. Seyfarth
Novel leg adjustment approach for hopping and running
In: Dynamic Walking 2013, 2013
BibTeX PDF file@INPROCEEDINGS{2013_Sharbafi_DW,
author = {M.A. Sharbafi and M. Nili Ahmadabadi and M.J. Yazdanpanah and A. Seyfarth},
title = {Novel leg adjustment approach for hopping and running},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {Dynamic Walking 2013},
pdf = {2013_Sharbafi_DW.pdf},
K. Radkhah, O. von Stryk
The need for a common taxonomy and benchmarks to achieve "human-like" performance in bipedal robot locomotion
In: Workshop on Benchmarking of Human-Like Robotic Locomotion, IEEE-RAS Humanoids 2013 , Oct 15, 2013
Abstract BibTeX PDF file Online available hereAbstract
A common taxonomy for the term “human-like locomotion” is essential to enhance the progress in the field of bipedal robot locomotion. In literature widespread use of this term can be found implying that human motion is optimal and worthy of imitation. However, a common basic understanding of the fundamental principles and characteristics of human locomotion is yet to be completed. In this talk we review various interpretations of this term in the literature and elaborate briefly on the most relevant characteristics of human motion trajectories. Further, essential methods from modeling and simulation to locomotion performance evaluation are discussed. We present a possible definition for “human-like locomotion” and a general concept for a better comparability of human and robot locomotion performance. The expressed ideas are supported by interim results obtained within the BioBiped project.
author = {K. Radkhah and O. von Stryk},
title = {The need for a common taxonomy and benchmarks to achieve "human-like" performance in bipedal robot locomotion},
year = {2013},
month = {Oct 15},
booktitle = {Workshop on Benchmarking of Human-Like Robotic Locomotion, IEEE-RAS Humanoids 2013 },
url = {},
pdf = {2013-HUMANOIDS-WS_Radkha&vonStryk.pdf},
abstract = {A common taxonomy for the term “human-like locomotion” is essential to enhance the progress in the field of bipedal robot locomotion. In literature widespread use of this term can be found implying that human motion is optimal and worthy of imitation. However, a common basic understanding of the fundamental principles and characteristics of human locomotion is yet to be completed. In this talk we review various interpretations of this term in the literature and elaborate briefly on the most relevant characteristics of human motion trajectories. Further, essential methods from modeling and simulation to locomotion performance evaluation are discussed. We present a possible definition for “human-like locomotion” and a general concept for a better comparability of human and robot locomotion performance. The expressed ideas are supported by interim results obtained within the BioBiped project.},
M.A. Sharbafi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, M.J. Yazdanpanah A.Mohammadinejad, A.Seyfarth
Compliant hip function simplifies control for hopping and running
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Iros 2013), 2013
BibTeX PDF file@INPROCEEDINGS{SharbafiIros2013,
author = {M.A. Sharbafi and M. Nili Ahmadabadi and M.J. Yazdanpanah A.Mohammadinejad and A.Seyfarth},
title = {Compliant hip function simplifies control for hopping and running},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Iros 2013)},
pdf = {2013_Sharbafi_IROS.pdf},
M.A. Sharbafi, A.Seyfart
Human leg adjustment in perturbed hopping
In: the 6th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM 2005), 2013
BibTeX PDF file@INPROCEEDINGS{2013_Sharbafi_AMAM2013,
author = {M.A. Sharbafi and A.Seyfart},
title = {Human leg adjustment in perturbed hopping},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {the 6th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM 2005)},
pdf = {2013_Sharbafi_AMAM.pdf},
A. Mohammadinejad,, M.A. Sharbafi, C. Rode, A. Seyfarth
Role of Bi-articular muscles during swing phase of walking
In: Dynamic Walking 2013, 2013
BibTeX PDF file@INPROCEEDINGS{2013_Mohammadinejad_DW,
author = {A. Mohammadinejad and and M.A. Sharbafi and C. Rode and A. Seyfarth},
title = {Role of Bi-articular muscles during swing phase of walking},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {Dynamic Walking 2013},
pdf = {2013_Mohammadinejad_DW.pdf},
M.A. Sharbafi, C.Maufroy, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, M.J. Yazdanpanah, A.Seyfarth
Robust hopping based on Virtual Pendulum Posture Control
In: Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. ?, 2013
BibTeX PDF file@ARTICLE{SharbafiJBB2013,
author = {M.A. Sharbafi and C.Maufroy and M. Nili Ahmadabadi and M.J. Yazdanpanah and A.Seyfarth},
title = {Robust hopping based on Virtual Pendulum Posture Control},
journal = {Bioinspiration and Biomimetics},
year = {2013},
volume = {8},
number = {3},
pages = {?},
pdf = {2013_Sharbafi_BB.pdf},
K. Radkhah, O. von Stryk
Exploring the Lombard paradox in a bipedal musculoskeletal robot
In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR), pp. 537-546, July 14 - 17, 2013
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
Towards advanced bipedal locomotion musculoskeletal system design has received much attention in recent years. It has been recognized that designing and developing new actuators with the properties of the human muscle-tendon complex is only one of the many tasks that have to be fulfilled in order to come close to the powerful human musculoskeletal system enabling the human to such versatile dynamic movements that no robot has been capable of replicating yet. But equally important is a technical implementation of the key characteristics of the human musculoskeletal leg system, segmentation and elastic leg behavior enabled by the mono- and biarticular muscles. So far, there has been an overwhelming consensus in biomechanics literature regarding the joint movements caused by biarticular muscles. In reality, however, they are responsible for an additional action during the second half of ground contact during fast dynamic motions in humans that has not yet been addressed by bipedal robot locomotion studies. Using BioBiped1, a bipedal compliant robot with human-inspired mono- and biarticular tendons, we demonstrate by means of a detailed multibody system dynamics simulation how this positive effect subserve energy-efficient dynamic 1D hopping motions and enables us to establish a novel bipedal locomotion model.
author = {K. Radkhah and O. von Stryk},
title = {Exploring the Lombard paradox in a bipedal musculoskeletal robot},
year = {2013},
pages = {537-546},
month = {July 14 - 17},
booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR)},
pdf = {2013_CLAWAR_Radkhah-Lombard.pdf},
abstract = {Towards advanced bipedal locomotion musculoskeletal system design has received much attention in recent years. It has been recognized that designing and developing new actuators with the properties of the human muscle-tendon complex is only one of the many tasks that have to be fulfilled in order to come close to the powerful human musculoskeletal system enabling the human to such versatile dynamic movements that no robot has been capable of replicating yet. But equally important is a technical implementation of the key characteristics of the human musculoskeletal leg system, segmentation and elastic leg behavior enabled by the mono- and biarticular muscles. So far, there has been an overwhelming consensus in biomechanics literature regarding the joint movements caused by biarticular muscles. In reality, however, they are responsible for an additional action during the second half of ground contact during fast dynamic motions in humans that has not yet been addressed by bipedal robot locomotion studies. Using BioBiped1, a bipedal compliant robot with human-inspired mono- and biarticular tendons, we demonstrate by means of a detailed multibody system dynamics simulation how this positive effect subserve energy-efficient dynamic 1D hopping motions and enables us to establish a novel bipedal locomotion model.},
K. Radkhah, O. von Stryk
Model-based elastic tendon control for electrically actuated musculoskeletal bipeds
In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR), pp. 719 - 728, July 14 - 17, 2013
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
Human-inspired musculoskeletal design of bipedal robots offers great potential towards enhanced dynamic and energy-efficient locomotion but imposes also major challenges on their control. In this paper we present an analytical model-based controller that takes into account the system’s complex musculoskeletal actuation dynamics in order to fully exploit the intrinsic dynamics. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated for hopping-in-place motions on the simulation model of the BioBiped1 robot, a human-inspired musculoskeletal biped featuring a highly compliant tendon-driven actuation system.
author = {K. Radkhah and O. von Stryk},
title = {Model-based elastic tendon control for electrically actuated musculoskeletal bipeds},
year = {2013},
pages = {719 - 728},
month = {July 14 - 17},
booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR)},
pdf = {2013_CLAWAR_Radkhah-ModelbasedControl.pdf},
abstract = {Human-inspired musculoskeletal design of bipedal robots offers great potential towards enhanced dynamic and energy-efficient locomotion but imposes also major challenges on their control. In this paper we present an analytical model-based controller that takes into account the system’s complex musculoskeletal actuation dynamics in order to fully exploit the intrinsic dynamics. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated for hopping-in-place motions on the simulation model of the BioBiped1 robot, a human-inspired musculoskeletal biped featuring a highly compliant tendon-driven actuation system.},
M.A. Sharbafi, C. Maufroy, A. Seyfarth, M.J. Yazdanpanah, M. Nili Ahmadabadi
Controllers for Robust Hopping with Upright Trunk based on the Virtual Pendulum Concept
In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Iros 2012), 2012
BibTeX PDF file@INPROCEEDINGS{2012_Sharbafi_IROS,
author = {M.A. Sharbafi and C. Maufroy and A. Seyfarth and M.J. Yazdanpanah and M. Nili Ahmadabadi},
title = {Controllers for Robust Hopping with Upright Trunk based on the Virtual Pendulum Concept},
year = {2012},
booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Iros 2012)},
pdf = {2012_Sharbafi_IROS.pdf},
Seyfarth, Andre, Grimmer, Sten, Häufle, Daniel FB, Kalveram, Karl-Theodor
Can Robots Help to Understand Human Locomotion?
In: at-Automatisierungstechnik Methoden und Anwendungen der Steuerungs-, Regelungs-und Informationstechnik, Vol. 60, No. 11, pp. 653--661, 2012
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
Summary As robots are becoming increasingly powerful and consequently potentially capable of reproducing human-like movements and interactions, the question appears how these motor skills found in biology could be transferred to the technical system. Such a transfer of biological movements to robots also offers the chance to question and to improve our understanding of the underlying principles on how movements are organized in nature. For this, a new conceptual framework, a test trilogy comparing human, simulation, and robot behavior will be presented and demonstrated exemplary.
author = {Seyfarth and Andre and Grimmer and Sten and Häufle and Daniel FB and Kalveram and Karl-Theodor},
title = {Can Robots Help to Understand Human Locomotion?},
journal = {at-Automatisierungstechnik Methoden und Anwendungen der Steuerungs-, Regelungs-und Informationstechnik},
year = {2012},
volume = {60},
number = {11},
pages = {653--661},
pdf = {2012_Seyfarth12at_CanRobotsHelp.pdf},
abstract = {Summary As robots are becoming increasingly powerful and consequently potentially capable of reproducing human-like movements and interactions, the question appears how these motor skills found in biology could be transferred to the technical system. Such a transfer of biological movements to robots also offers the chance to question and to improve our understanding of the underlying principles on how movements are organized in nature. For this, a new conceptual framework, a test trilogy comparing human, simulation, and robot behavior will be presented and demonstrated exemplary.},
M.A. Sharbafi, M.J. Yazdanpanah, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, C.Maufroy, A.Seyfarth
Switching from hopping to running with HZD controller
In: Dynamic Walking 2012, 2012
BibTeX PDF file@INPROCEEDINGS{SharbafiDW2012,
author = {M.A. Sharbafi and M.J. Yazdanpanah and M. Nili Ahmadabadi and C.Maufroy and A.Seyfarth},
title = {Switching from hopping to running with HZD controller},
year = {2012},
booktitle = {Dynamic Walking 2012},
pdf = {2012_Sharbafi_DW.pdf},
K. Radkhah, O. von Stryk
Human-Like Model-Based Motion Generation Combining Feedforward and Feedback Control for Musculoskeletal Robots
In: Proc. 7th Annual Dynamic Walking Conference, May 21 - 24, 2012
author = {K. Radkhah and O. von Stryk},
title = {Human-Like Model-Based Motion Generation Combining Feedforward and Feedback Control for Musculoskeletal Robots},
year = {2012},
month = {May 21 - 24},
address = {Pensacola, Florida, USA},
booktitle = {Proc. 7th Annual Dynamic Walking Conference},
Dorian Scholz, Christophe Maufroy, Stefan Kurowski, Katayon Radkhah, Oskar von Stryk, André Seyfarth
Simulation and Experimental Evaluation of the Contribution of Biarticular Gastrocnemius Structure to Joint Synchronization in Human-Inspired Three-Segmented Elastic Legs
In: 3rd Int. Conf. on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), Vol. 7628, pp. 251-260, Springer, 2012
Abstract BibTeX PDF file Online available via DOIAbstract
The humanoid robot BioBiped2 is powered by series elastic actuators (SEA) at the leg joints. As motivated by the human muscle ar- chitecture comprising monoarticular and biarticular muscles, the SEA at joint level are supported by elastic elements spanning two joints. In this study we demonstrate in simulation and in robot experiments, to what extend synchronous joint operation can be enhanced by introducing elas- tic biarticular structures in the leg, reducing the risk of over-extending individual joints.
author = {Dorian Scholz and Christophe Maufroy and Stefan Kurowski and Katayon Radkhah and Oskar von Stryk and André Seyfarth},
title = {Simulation and Experimental Evaluation of the Contribution of Biarticular Gastrocnemius Structure to Joint Synchronization in Human-Inspired Three-Segmented Elastic Legs },
year = {2012},
volume = {7628},
pages = {251-260},
publisher = {Springer},
editor = {I. Noda and N. Ando and D. Brugali and J.J. Kuffner},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
booktitle = {3rd Int. Conf. on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR)},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-34327-8_24},
pdf = {2012_Scholz_SIMPAR.pdf},
abstract = {The humanoid robot BioBiped2 is powered by series elastic actuators (SEA) at the leg joints. As motivated by the human muscle ar- chitecture comprising monoarticular and biarticular muscles, the SEA at joint level are supported by elastic elements spanning two joints. In this study we demonstrate in simulation and in robot experiments, to what extend synchronous joint operation can be enhanced by introducing elas- tic biarticular structures in the leg, reducing the risk of over-extending individual joints.},
K. Radkhah, T. Lens, O. von Stryk
Detailed Dynamics Modeling of BioBiped´s Monoarticular and Biarticular Tendon-Driven Actuation System
In: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 4243-4250, 2012
Abstract BibTeXAbstract
Bio-inspired, musculoskeletal design of bipedal robots offers great potential towards more human-like robot performance but imposes major challenges on their design and control, as it is challenging to analyze the contribution of each active and passive series elastic tendon to the overall joint, leg and robot dynamics. In this paper, detailed mathematical models of the tendon-driven, series elastically actuated mono- and biarticular structures of the BioBiped1 robot are presented. These enable a systematic analysis of the design space and characteristic curves as well as to derive guidelines for the design of improved prototypes. The derived models are applied to investigate the effects of the active and passive, mono- and biarticular structures on different performance criteria of 1D hopping motions by means of a detailed multi-body system dynamics simulation.
author = {K. Radkhah and T. Lens and O. von Stryk},
title = {Detailed Dynamics Modeling of BioBiped´s Monoarticular and Biarticular Tendon-Driven Actuation System },
year = {2012},
pages = {4243-4250},
booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
abstract = {Bio-inspired, musculoskeletal design of bipedal robots offers great potential towards more human-like robot performance but imposes major challenges on their design and control, as it is challenging to analyze the contribution of each active and passive series elastic tendon to the overall joint, leg and robot dynamics. In this paper, detailed mathematical models of the tendon-driven, series elastically actuated mono- and biarticular structures of the BioBiped1 robot are presented. These enable a systematic analysis of the design space and characteristic curves as well as to derive guidelines for the design of improved prototypes. The derived models are applied to investigate the effects of the active and passive, mono- and biarticular structures on different performance criteria of 1D hopping motions by means of a detailed multi-body system dynamics simulation.},
C. Maufroy, H.-M. Maus,, A. Seyfarth
Simplified control of upright walking by exploring asymmetric gaits induced by leg damping
In: IEEE Robio 2011, 2011
author = {C. Maufroy and H.-M. Maus and and A. Seyfarth},
title = {Simplified control of upright walking by exploring asymmetric gaits induced by leg damping},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {IEEE Robio 2011},
C. Maufroy, H.-M. Maus, K. Radkhah, D. Scholz, O. von Stryk, A. Seyfarth
Dynamic leg function of the BioBiped humanoid robot
In: Proc. 5th Int. Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM), Oct. 11-14, 2011
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
This contribution presents the concept and design of the first robot of the BioBiped series, aiming to transfer biomechanical insights regarding the mechanics and control of human walking and running to bipedal robot design and actuation. These are supported by preliminary experiments with the robot, where synchronous and alternate hopping motions could be successfully realized. This demonstrates that the robot design has the potential to develop dynamic gait patterns such as walking and running.
author = {C. Maufroy and H.-M. Maus and K. Radkhah and D. Scholz and O. von Stryk and A. Seyfarth},
title = {Dynamic leg function of the BioBiped humanoid robot},
year = {2011},
month = {Oct. 11-14},
address = {Osaka, Japan},
booktitle = {Proc. 5th Int. Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM)},
pdf = {2011-AMAM2011-MAUFROY-preprint.pdf},
abstract = {This contribution presents the concept and design of the first robot of the BioBiped series, aiming to transfer biomechanical insights regarding the mechanics and control of human walking and running to bipedal robot design and actuation. These are supported by preliminary experiments with the robot, where synchronous and alternate hopping motions could be successfully realized. This demonstrates that the robot design has the potential to develop dynamic gait patterns such as walking and running.},
D. Scholz, S. Kurowski, K. Radkhah, O. von Stryk
Bio-inspired motion control of the musculoskeletal BioBiped1 robot based on a learned inverse dynamics model
In: Proc. 11th IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), Oct. 26-28, 2011
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
Based on the central hypothesis that a humanoid robot with human-like walking and running performance requires a bio-inspired embodiment of the musculoskeletal functions of the human leg as well as of its control structure, a bio-inspired approach for joint position control of the BioBiped1 robot is presented in this paper. This approach combines feedforward and feedback control running at 1 kHz and 40 Hz, respectively. The feed-forward control is based on an inverse dynamics model which is learned using Gaussian process regression to account for the robot’s body dynamics and external influences. For evaluation the learned model is used to control the robot purely feed-forward as well as in combination with a slow feedback controller. Both approaches are compared to a basic feedback PD-controller with respect to their tracking ability in experiments. It is shown, that the combined approach yields good results and outperforms the basic feedback controller when applied to the same set-point trajectories for the leg joints.
author = {D. Scholz and S. Kurowski and K. Radkhah and O. von Stryk},
title = {Bio-inspired motion control of the musculoskeletal BioBiped1 robot based on a learned inverse dynamics model},
year = {2011},
month = {Oct. 26-28},
address = {Bled, Slovenia},
booktitle = {Proc. 11th IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS)},
pdf = {2011_Humanoids_Scholz_Kurowski_Radkhah_Stryk_Bio-Inspired_Motion_Control_of_the_Musculoskeletal_BioBiped1_Robot_Based_on_a_Learned_Inverse_Dynamics_Model.pdf},
abstract = {Based on the central hypothesis that a humanoid robot with human-like walking and running performance requires a bio-inspired embodiment of the musculoskeletal functions of the human leg as well as of its control structure, a bio-inspired approach for joint position control of the BioBiped1 robot is presented in this paper. This approach combines feedforward and feedback control running at 1 kHz and 40 Hz, respectively. The feed-forward control is based on an inverse dynamics model which is learned using Gaussian process regression to account for the robot’s body dynamics and external influences. For evaluation the learned model is used to control the robot purely feed-forward as well as in combination with a slow feedback controller. Both approaches are compared to a basic feedback PD-controller with respect to their tracking ability in experiments. It is shown, that the combined approach yields good results and outperforms the basic feedback controller when applied to the same set-point trajectories for the leg joints.},
K. Radkhah, O. von Stryk
Actuation requirements for hopping and running of the musculoskeletal robot BioBiped1
In: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 4811-4818, 2011
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
Actuation with variable elasticity is considered a key property for the realization of human-like bipedal locomotion. Also, an intelligent and self-stable mechanical system is indispensable. While much effort of current research has been devoted to the development of variable impedance joint actuators, this paper deals with the important question of how to determine the actuation requirements of a compliant, musculoskeletal robot that is targeted at fast dynamic motions. In a step-by-step approach, design decisions for the elastic humanoid robot BioBiped1 are presented. Using multibody system dynamics models and simulations, incorporating bidirectional series elastic actuator models and a realistic ground contact model, we analyze the actuation requirements of the employed electrical motors for computer generated hopping and human data based running motions. The numerical simulation results are accompanied by videos of the dynamics simulations. Recent experiments on the real hardware have indicated that the selected motor-gear units and elastic transmissions support the desired dynamic motion goals.
author = {K. Radkhah and O. von Stryk},
title = {Actuation requirements for hopping and running of the musculoskeletal robot BioBiped1},
year = {2011},
pages = {4811-4818},
booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
pdf = {2011_Radkhah_iros.pdf},
abstract = {Actuation with variable elasticity is considered a key property for the realization of human-like bipedal locomotion. Also, an intelligent and self-stable mechanical system is indispensable. While much effort of current research has been devoted to the development of variable impedance joint actuators, this paper deals with the important question of how to determine the actuation requirements of a compliant, musculoskeletal robot that is targeted at fast dynamic motions. In a step-by-step approach, design decisions for the elastic humanoid robot BioBiped1 are presented. Using multibody system dynamics models and simulations, incorporating bidirectional series elastic actuator models and a realistic ground contact model, we analyze the actuation requirements of the employed electrical motors for computer generated hopping and human data based running motions. The numerical simulation results are accompanied by videos of the dynamics simulations. Recent experiments on the real hardware have indicated that the selected motor-gear units and elastic transmissions support the desired dynamic motion goals.},
T. Lens, K. Radkhah, O. von Stryk
Simulation of Dynamics and Realistic Contact Forces for Manipulators and Legged Robots with High Joint Elasticity
In: Proc. 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), pp. 34-41, 2011
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
In this paper, multibody system dynamics simulation for manipulators and legged robots with high joint elasticities, particularly with focus on collision modeling, is addressed. We present the architecture of a newly developed toolbox in conjunction with a detailed discussion of a realistic contact, friction and stiction model, which is validated with real measurement data of a bouncing ball. The work presented is driven and inspired by two concrete robot developments in the authors" group: the manipulator BioRob and the biped BioBiped. The libraries are used to develop kinematic and kinetic models of these bio-inspired and highly elastic robots. Models and simulation of both robots are discussed, as well as occurring forces during collisions of the BioRob-X4 arm with the ground. We are also able to demonstrate good agreement of ground contact forces measured during slow jogging motion of a human subject with simulation results obtained with BioBiped1.
author = {T. Lens and K. Radkhah and O. von Stryk},
title = {Simulation of Dynamics and Realistic Contact Forces for Manipulators and Legged Robots with High Joint Elasticity},
year = {2011},
pages = {34-41},
booktitle = {Proc. 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR)},
pdf = {2011_icar_lens-rdkhh_preprint.pdf},
abstract = {In this paper, multibody system dynamics simulation for manipulators and legged robots with high joint elasticities, particularly with focus on collision modeling, is addressed. We present the architecture of a newly developed toolbox in conjunction with a detailed discussion of a realistic contact, friction and stiction model, which is validated with real measurement data of a bouncing ball. The work presented is driven and inspired by two concrete robot developments in the authors" group: the manipulator BioRob and the biped BioBiped. The libraries are used to develop kinematic and kinetic models of these bio-inspired and highly elastic robots. Models and simulation of both robots are discussed, as well as occurring forces during collisions of the BioRob-X4 arm with the ground. We are also able to demonstrate good agreement of ground contact forces measured during slow jogging motion of a human subject with simulation results obtained with BioBiped1.},
K. Radkhah, C. Maufroy, M. Maus, D. Scholz, A. Seyfarth, O. von Stryk
Concept and design of the BioBiped1 robot for human-like walking and running
In: International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 439-458, 2011
Abstract BibTeX PDF file Online available via DOIAbstract
Biomechanics research shows that the ability of the human locomotor system depends on the functionality of a highly compliant motor system that enables a variety of different motions (such as walking and running) and control paradigms (such as flexible combination of feedforward and feedback controls strategies) and reliance on stabilizing properties of compliant gaits. As a new approach of transferring this knowledge into a humanoid robot, the design and implementation of the first of a planned series of biologically inspired, compliant, and musculoskeletal robots is presented in this paper. Its three-segmented legs are actuated by compliant mono- and biarticular structures, which mimic the main nine human leg muscle groups, by applying series elastic actuation consisting of cables and springs in combination with electrical actuators. By means of this platform, we aim to transfer versatile human locomotion abilities, namely running and later on walking, into one humanoid robot design. First experimental results for passive rebound, as well as push-off with active knee and ankle joints, and synchronous and alternate hopping are described and discussed. BioBiped1 will serve for further evaluation of the validity of biomechanical concepts for humanoid locomotion.
author = {K. Radkhah and C. Maufroy and M. Maus and D. Scholz and A. Seyfarth and O. von Stryk},
title = {Concept and design of the BioBiped1 robot for human-like walking and running},
journal = {International Journal of Humanoid Robotics},
year = {2011},
volume = {8},
number = {3},
pages = {439-458},
keywords = {Hopping; running; jogging; walking; biped; biomechanics; humanoid locomotion; compliance; mechanical elasticity; series elastic actuation},
doi = {10.1142/S0219843611002587},
url = {},
pdf = {2011_RadkhahEtAl_ijhr.pdf},
abstract = {Biomechanics research shows that the ability of the human locomotor system depends on the functionality of a highly compliant motor system that enables a variety of different motions (such as walking and running) and control paradigms (such as flexible combination of feedforward and feedback controls strategies) and reliance on stabilizing properties of compliant gaits. As a new approach of transferring this knowledge into a humanoid robot, the design and implementation of the first of a planned series of biologically inspired, compliant, and musculoskeletal robots is presented in this paper. Its three-segmented legs are actuated by compliant mono- and biarticular structures, which mimic the main nine human leg muscle groups, by applying series elastic actuation consisting of cables and springs in combination with electrical actuators. By means of this platform, we aim to transfer versatile human locomotion abilities, namely running and later on walking, into one humanoid robot design. First experimental results for passive rebound, as well as push-off with active knee and ankle joints, and synchronous and alternate hopping are described and discussed. BioBiped1 will serve for further evaluation of the validity of biomechanical concepts for humanoid locomotion.},
C. Maufroy, M. Maus, K. Radkhah, D. Scholz, A. Seyfarth, O. von Stryk
First Results for the BioBiped1 Robot Designed towards Human-Like Walking and Running
In: Workshop on Biomechanical Simulation of Humans and Bio-Inspired Humanoids, Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), November 15-18, 2010
author = {C. Maufroy and M. Maus and K. Radkhah and D. Scholz and A. Seyfarth and O. von Stryk},
title = {First Results for the BioBiped1 Robot Designed towards Human-Like Walking and Running},
year = {2010},
month = {November 15-18},
address = {Darmstadt, Germany},
booktitle = {Workshop on Biomechanical Simulation of Humans and Bio-Inspired Humanoids, Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR)},
pdf = {2010_Maufroy_BH2.pdf},
K. Radkhah, S. Kurowski, T. Lens, O. v. Stryk
An Extended Antagonistic Series Elastic Actuator for a Biologically Inspired Four-Legged Robot
In: Workshop on New Variable Impedance Actuators for the Next Generation of Robots, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 3 - 8, 2010
author = {K. Radkhah and S. Kurowski and T. Lens and O. v. Stryk},
title = {An Extended Antagonistic Series Elastic Actuator for a Biologically Inspired Four-Legged Robot},
year = {2010},
month = {May 3 - 8},
address = {Anchorage, Alaska, USA},
booktitle = {Workshop on New Variable Impedance Actuators for the Next Generation of Robots, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
F. Peuker, A. Seyfarth
Adjusting Legs for Stable Running in Three Dimensions
In: Proc. 6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2010), 2010
author = {F. Peuker and A. Seyfarth},
title = {Adjusting Legs for Stable Running in Three Dimensions},
year = {2010},
booktitle = {Proc. 6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2010)},
H.-M. Maus, S.W. Lipfert, M. Gross, J. Rummel, A. Seyfarth
Upright human gait did not provide a major mechanical challenge for our ancestors
In: Nature Communications, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 1-6, 2010
author = {H.-M. Maus and S.W. Lipfert and M. Gross and J. Rummel and A. Seyfarth},
title = {Upright human gait did not provide a major mechanical challenge for our ancestors},
journal = {Nature Communications},
year = {2010},
volume = {1},
number = {6},
pages = {1-6},
K. Radkhah, S. Kurowski, T. Lens, O. von Stryk
Compliant Robot Actuation by Feedforward Controlled Emulated Spring Stiffness
In: Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), Vol. 6472, pp. 497-508, Springer, 2010
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
Existing legged robots lack energy-inefficiency, performance and adaptivity when confronted with situations that animals cope with on a routine basis. Bridging the gap between artificial and natural systems requires not only better sensorimotor and learning capabilities but also a corresponding motion apparatus and intelligent actuators. Current actuators with online adaptable compliance pose high requirements on software control algorithms and sensor systems. We present a novel actuation mechanism and technique that allows for a virtual stiffness change of a deployed extended series elastic actuator without posing high energy requirements. The performance limits of the approach are assessed by comparing to an active and a passive compliant methodology. For this purpose we use a 2-degrees-of-freedom arm with and without periodic load representing a 2-segmented leg with and without ground contact. The simulation results indicate that the method is suited for the use in legged robots.
author = {K. Radkhah and S. Kurowski and T. Lens and O. von Stryk},
title = {Compliant Robot Actuation by Feedforward Controlled Emulated Spring Stiffness},
year = {2010},
volume = {6472},
pages = {497-508},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR)},
pdf = {2010_simpar_rdkhh_preprint.pdf},
abstract = {Existing legged robots lack energy-inefficiency, performance and adaptivity when confronted with situations that animals cope with on a routine basis. Bridging the gap between artificial and natural systems requires not only better sensorimotor and learning capabilities but also a corresponding motion apparatus and intelligent actuators. Current actuators with online adaptable compliance pose high requirements on software control algorithms and sensor systems. We present a novel actuation mechanism and technique that allows for a virtual stiffness change of a deployed extended series elastic actuator without posing high energy requirements. The performance limits of the approach are assessed by comparing to an active and a passive compliant methodology. For this purpose we use a 2-degrees-of-freedom arm with and without periodic load representing a 2-segmented leg with and without ground contact. The simulation results indicate that the method is suited for the use in legged robots. },
K. Radkhah, T. Lens, A. Seyfarth, O. von Stryk
On the Influence of Elastic Actuation and Monoarticular Structures in Biologically Inspired Bipedal Robots
In: Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB), pp. 389-394, 2010
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
Implementing the intrinsically compliant and energy-efficient leg behavior found in humans for humanoid robots is a challenging task. Control complexity and energy requirements are two major obstacles for the design of legged robots. Past projects revealed that the control complexity can be drastically reduced by designing mechanically intelligent systems with self-stabilization structures. Breaking through the latter obstacle can be achieved by the development and use of compliant actuators. Mechanical elasticity and its online adaptation in legged systems are generally accepted as the technologies to achieve human-like mobility. However, elastic actuation does not necessarily result in energy-efficient systems. We show that mechanical elasticity, although being worthwhile, can have negative effects on the performance of drives. We present a methodology that introduces both elasticity and energy-efficiency to a bipedal model. To this end, we report on the influence of monoarticular structures and demonstrate that these structures have the potential to both take us a step further toward the goal of realizing human-like locomotion and reduce the energy consumption.
author = {K. Radkhah and T. Lens and A. Seyfarth and O. von Stryk},
title = {On the Influence of Elastic Actuation and Monoarticular Structures in Biologically Inspired Bipedal Robots},
year = {2010},
pages = {389-394},
booktitle = {Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB)},
pdf = {2010_biorob_rdkhh_preprint.pdf},
abstract = {Implementing the intrinsically compliant and energy-efficient leg behavior found in humans for humanoid robots is a challenging task. Control complexity and energy requirements are two major obstacles for the design of legged robots. Past projects revealed that the control complexity can be drastically reduced by designing mechanically intelligent systems with self-stabilization structures. Breaking through the latter obstacle can be achieved by the development and use of compliant actuators. Mechanical elasticity and its online adaptation in legged systems are generally accepted as the technologies to achieve human-like mobility. However, elastic actuation does not necessarily result in energy-efficient systems. We show that mechanical elasticity, although being worthwhile, can have negative effects on the performance of drives. We present a methodology that introduces both elasticity and energy-efficiency to a bipedal model. To this end, we report on the influence of monoarticular structures and demonstrate that these structures have the potential to both take us a step further toward the goal of realizing human-like locomotion and reduce the energy consumption. },
K. Radkhah, D. Scholz, A. Anjorin, M. Rath, O. von Stryk
Simple yet effective technique for robust real-time instability detection for humanoid robots using minimal sensor input
In: 13th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR), pp. 680-689, Aug. 31 - Sep. 03, 2010
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
Legged locomotion of autonomous humanoid robots is advantageous but also challenging since it inherently suffers from high posture instability. External disturbances such as collisions with other objects or robots in the environment can cause a robot to fall. Many of the existing approaches for instability detection and falling prevention include a large number of sensors resulting in complex multi-sensor data fusion and are not decoupled from the walking motion planning. Such methods can not simply be integrated into an existing low-level controller for real-time motion generation and stabilization of a humanoid robot. A procedure that is both easily implementable using a minimal number of affordable sensors and capable of reliable detection of posture instabilities is missing to date. We propose a simple, yet reliable balance control technique consisting of a filtering module for the used data from two-axes-gyroscopes and -accelerometers located at the trunk, an instability classification algorithm, and a lunge step module. The modules are implemented on our humanoid robots which participate at the yearly RoboCup competitions in the humanoid kid-size league of soccer playing robots. Experimental results show that the approach is suited for real-time operation during walking.
author = {K. Radkhah and D. Scholz and A. Anjorin and M. Rath and O. von Stryk },
title = {Simple yet effective technique for robust real-time instability detection for humanoid robots using minimal sensor input},
year = {2010},
pages = {680-689},
month = {Aug. 31 - Sep. 03},
address = {Nagoya, Japan},
booktitle = {13th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR)},
pdf = {2010_clawar_rdkhh_preprint.pdf},
abstract = {Legged locomotion of autonomous humanoid robots is advantageous but also challenging since it inherently suffers from high posture instability. External disturbances such as collisions with other objects or robots in the environment can cause a robot to fall. Many of the existing approaches for instability detection and falling prevention include a large number of sensors resulting in complex multi-sensor data fusion and are not decoupled from the walking motion planning. Such methods can not simply be integrated into an existing low-level controller for real-time motion generation and stabilization of a humanoid robot. A procedure that is both easily implementable using a minimal number of affordable sensors and capable of reliable detection of posture instabilities is missing to date. We propose a simple, yet reliable balance control technique consisting of a filtering module for the used data from two-axes-gyroscopes and -accelerometers located at the trunk, an instability classification algorithm, and a lunge step module. The modules are implemented on our humanoid robots which participate at the yearly RoboCup competitions in the humanoid kid-size league of soccer playing robots. Experimental results show that the approach is suited for real-time operation during walking. },
K. Radkhah, M. Maus, D. Scholz, A. Seyfarth, O. von Stryk
Towards Human-Like Bipedal Locomotion with Three-Segmented Elastic Legs
In: 41st International Symposium on Robotics (ISR)/ 6th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK), pp. 696-703, Jun 7-9, 2010
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
The long-term goal of the recently launched project BioBiped is to develop autonomous bipedal robots that are capable of energy-efficient multi-modal locomotion. In this paper we give a brief review of the important insights and techniques gained in previous and current projects leading to a new generation of human-like robots. Furthermore, we present the hardware design and the applied principles for the bipedal robot with three-segmented elastic legs that is currently under development. In the latter part of the paper we describe optimization methods that yield optimal parameter sets for tuning the walking and running gaits for a robot prototype with the same kinematic leg design.
author = {K. Radkhah and M. Maus and D. Scholz and A. Seyfarth and O. von Stryk},
title = {Towards Human-Like Bipedal Locomotion with Three-Segmented Elastic Legs},
year = {2010},
pages = {696-703},
month = {Jun 7-9},
address = {Munich, Germany},
booktitle = {41st International Symposium on Robotics (ISR)/ 6th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK)},
pdf = {2010_isr_rdkhh_preprint.pdf},
abstract = {The long-term goal of the recently launched project BioBiped is to develop autonomous bipedal robots that are capable of energy-efficient multi-modal locomotion. In this paper we give a brief review of the important insights and techniques gained in previous and current projects leading to a new generation of human-like robots. Furthermore, we present the hardware design and the applied principles for the bipedal robot with three-segmented elastic legs that is currently under development. In the latter part of the paper we describe optimization methods that yield optimal parameter sets for tuning the walking and running gaits for a robot prototype with the same kinematic leg design. },
D. Scholz, M. Friedmann, O. von Stryk
Fast, Robust and Versatile Humanoid Robot Locomotion with Minimal Sensor Input
In: Proc. 4th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots at the 2009 IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots, Dec. 7 - Dec. 10, 2009
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
The generation of fast and robust locomotion is one of the crucial problems to be solved for a competitive autonomous humanoid soccer robot. During the last decades many different approaches to solve this problem have been investigated. In this paper a simplified yet powerful approach for generation of locomotion for an autonomous humanoid robot is described. It is based on an open loop trajectory generation with an overlying gyroscope-based closed loop postural stabilization. Unlike other widely used approaches in humanoid robotics the trajectory generation is completely decoupled from the stabilization algorithm, thus simplifying design, implementation and testing of either algorithm. The only sensor required for postural stabilization is a two axis gyroscope in the robot"s hip. No further sensors like foot-ground contact or force sensors, which are typically applied in many other approaches, are required. Nevertheless the presented approach exhibits remarkable performance. Furthermore this approach can be implemented easily in many available robots without complex modifications of the hardware. Experimental results for various types of locomotion are presented for two different robots used in the 2009 RoboCup Humanoid KidSize competition.
author = {D. Scholz and M. Friedmann and O. von Stryk},
title = {Fast, Robust and Versatile Humanoid Robot Locomotion with Minimal Sensor Input},
year = {2009},
month = {Dec. 7 - Dec. 10},
address = {Paris},
booktitle = {Proc. 4th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots at the 2009 IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots},
keywords = {Humanoid Motion Generation, RoboCup},
pdf = {Humanoids09_Scholz_Friedmann_Stryk_MotionGeneration.pdf},
abstract = {The generation of fast and robust locomotion is one of the crucial problems to be solved for a competitive autonomous humanoid soccer robot. During the last decades many different approaches to solve this problem have been investigated. In this paper a simplified yet powerful approach for generation of locomotion for an autonomous humanoid robot is described. It is based on an open loop trajectory generation with an overlying gyroscope-based closed loop postural stabilization. Unlike other widely used approaches in humanoid robotics the trajectory generation is completely decoupled from the stabilization algorithm, thus simplifying design, implementation and testing of either algorithm. The only sensor required for postural stabilization is a two axis gyroscope in the robot"s hip. No further sensors like foot-ground contact or force sensors, which are typically applied in many other approaches, are required. Nevertheless the presented approach exhibits remarkable performance. Furthermore this approach can be implemented easily in many available robots without complex modifications of the hardware. Experimental results for various types of locomotion are presented for two different robots used in the 2009 RoboCup Humanoid KidSize competition.},
K. Radkhah, S. Kurowski, O. von Stryk
Design Considerations for a Biologically Inspired Compliant Four-Legged Robot
In: Proc. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp. 598-603, Dec 19-23, 2009
Abstract BibTeX PDF file Online available hereAbstract
In this paper we summarize some basic principles of legged locomotion in animals and then discuss the application of the principles to the design and fabrication of a four-legged robot. The here presented model combines ideas for better locomotion of robots both in the biologically inspired, mechanically intelligent structure and in the bionic controller. The movement of the legs is triggered by bionic drives with a setup similarly to biological muscles. The robot is characterized by several different gaits and an animal like locomotion without using feedback control. It has four legs, each having three joints of which two are actuated. During the development we also paid attention to the technical realization of the model. Special techniques to reduce the weight of the robot such as the achievement of different motions by changing the spring stiffness by means of intelligent control instead of an additional motor were also focused on during the development. Two novel features of our four-legged concept comprise the possibility of easily changing the spring stiffness deployed in the bionic drives of the joints and the way of this adjustment which requires neither complex computation nor additional motor. This feature allows the smooth transition to different gaits without necessarily having to change the controller parameters.
author = {K. Radkhah and S. Kurowski and O. von Stryk},
title = {Design Considerations for a Biologically Inspired Compliant Four-Legged Robot },
year = {2009},
pages = {598-603},
month = {Dec 19-23},
note = {Finalist for Best Paper Award in Biomimetics},
address = {Guilin, Guangxi, China},
booktitle = {Proc. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)},
url = {*%26searchField%3DSearch+All},
pdf = {2009_robio_rdkhh_preprint.pdf},
abstract = {In this paper we summarize some basic principles of legged locomotion in animals and then discuss the application of the principles to the design and fabrication of a four-legged robot. The here presented model combines ideas for better locomotion of robots both in the biologically inspired, mechanically intelligent structure and in the bionic controller. The movement of the legs is triggered by bionic drives with a setup similarly to biological muscles. The robot is characterized by several different gaits and an animal like locomotion without using feedback control. It has four legs, each having three joints of which two are actuated. During the development we also paid attention to the technical realization of the model. Special techniques to reduce the weight of the robot such as the achievement of different motions by changing the spring stiffness by means of intelligent control instead of an additional motor were also focused on during the development. Two novel features of our four-legged concept comprise the possibility of easily changing the spring stiffness deployed in the bionic drives of the joints and the way of this adjustment which requires neither complex computation nor additional motor. This feature allows the smooth transition to different gaits without necessarily having to change the controller parameters.},
A. Seyfarth, R. Tausch, M. Stelzer, F. Iida, A. Karguth, O. von Stryk
Towards bipedal jogging as a natural result for optimizing walking speed for passively compliant three-segmented legs
In: International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 257-265, 2009
Abstract BibTeX PDF fileAbstract
Elasticity in conventionally built walking robots is an undesired side-effect that is suppressed as much as possible because it makes control very hard and thus complex control algorithms must be used. The human motion apparatus, in contrast, shows a very high degree of flexibility with sufficient stability. In this research we investigate how compliance and damping can deliberately be used in humanoid robots to improve walking capabilities. A modular robot system consisting of rigid segments, joint modules and adjustable compliant cables spanning one or two joints is used to configure a human-like biped. In parallel, a simulation model of the robot was developed and analyzed. Walking motion is gained by oscillatory out-of-phase excitations of the hip joints. An optimization of the walking speed has been performed by improving the viscoelastic properties of the leg and identifying the appropriate hip control parameters. A good match was found between real robot experiments and numerical simulations. At higher speeds, transitions from walking to running are found in both the simulation as well as in the robot.
author = {A. Seyfarth and R. Tausch and M. Stelzer and F. Iida and A. Karguth and O. von Stryk},
title = {Towards bipedal jogging as a natural result for optimizing walking speed for passively compliant three-segmented legs},
journal = {International Journal of Robotics Research},
year = {2009},
volume = {28},
number = {2},
pages = {257-265},
note = {see also the
pdf = {2009-Seyfarthetal.pdf},
abstract = {Elasticity in conventionally built walking robots is an undesired side-effect that is suppressed as much as possible because it makes control very hard and thus complex control algorithms must be used. The human motion apparatus, in contrast, shows a very high degree of flexibility with sufficient stability. In this research we investigate how compliance and damping can deliberately be used in humanoid robots to improve walking capabilities. A modular robot system consisting of rigid segments, joint modules and adjustable compliant cables spanning one or two joints is used to configure a human-like biped. In parallel, a simulation model of the robot was developed and analyzed. Walking motion is gained by oscillatory out-of-phase excitations of the hip joints. An optimization of the walking speed has been performed by improving the viscoelastic properties of the leg and identifying the appropriate hip control parameters. A good match was found between real robot experiments and numerical simulations. At higher speeds, transitions from walking to running are found in both the simulation as well as in the robot.},